Who does crime scene cleanup?
In the aftermath of a crime cleanup is often required. This primarily means cleaning up blood or other bodily fluids on property where a crime is involved. Because blood, body fluids, and other infectious materials are often involved, crime scene cleanup requires trained professionals to do the job. These professionals can be employed by companies dedicated to cleaning up crime scenes or by restoration companies with a department dedicated to these activities or to biohazard remediation services in general. Biohazard remediation could involve any type of cleanup ranging from cleaning after accidents to unattended deaths. When a crime has occurred on your property and you need expert crime scene cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, you can always count on the team at Restore Experts, Inc.. Find out how we can help get your property cleaned up by calling (954) 548-5613.
What are the crime scene cleanup requirements?
Crime scene cleanup companies have no industry licenses to perform cleanup, but, depending on the state and city where the business is located, a variety of permits and licenses must be held. Typically, the required permits and licenses include:
- Permit for medical waste transport
- Registration for biohazardous medical waste transporter
- Registration for biomedical waste transporter
- Permit for trauma scene waste practitioner
- Permit for infectious waste transport
- Certificate for hazardous waste transport license
- Cleanup crews also have to uphold OSHA standards
Crime scene cleaner education requirements
If you want to work for a crime scene cleanup service, you just need a high school diploma or GED, as far as education goes. Most training is provided on the job, but cleanup and restoration companies generally require their employees to obtain a variety of certificates and licenses. Among the licenses and certifications will be bloodborne and airborne pathogen certification, hazardous materials transportation, and hazardous materials waste generation. Extensive training is also provided on personal protective equipment. Sometimes, those who start these businesses or who work for them have paramedic or first responder training. Because cleanup is often strenuous, it helps to be physically fit.
Crime scene cleanup how to get started
Crime scene cleanup businesses are in demand, especially in larger cities. In addition to everything you would need to start any other small business, to start a cleanup business, you’re going to need quite a few biohazardous materials cleanup certifications such as certifications and training in how to manage bloodborne pathogens and other potentially infectious materials. You’re also going to need training on how to use personal protective equipment and how to transport hazardous materials. You may need to acquire trucks or vans or special equipment to transport such material. Moreover, you’re going to have to hire and train employees and make certain they have all the certifications they need to do the job correctly and safely. Although TV shows and movies have glamorized and popularized forensic cleanup, it might be hard to find and retain employees because of the nature of the business. These are not jobs for the faint of heart or stomach.
Who pays for a crime scene cleanup?
Most of the time, the person responsible for paying for crime scene cleanup is the owner of the property where the crime occurred. Because of this, many people ask, “Is crime scene cleanup covered by insurance?” There is no definitive answer to this question. Much of it will depend on the insurance policy the home or business owner has. Some policies cover biohazard cleanup in special cases as when there is an unattended death or a murder has occurred. If cleanup is required in your home or business, check with your insurer to see what is covered. If coverage is available, cleanup companies will often help people file their claims.
What chemicals are used to clean crime scenes?
Various cleaning materials are used with crime scene cleanup. Enzyme cleaners are used, for instance, to break up tissue like brain matter which often hardens after a short time. All varieties of chemical cleaners are used to sanitize and deodorize surfaces, as are devices like ozone machines and hydroxyl generators. These devices can eliminate some of the worst odors such as those left by decomposed bodies.
How is the waste from the crime scene cleanup disposed of?
Waste materials removed from a crime scene are disposed of in a variety of ways. Some cities have designated biohazardous materials drop-off facilities. Most often the material is incinerated. Some materials also require chemical disinfection, steam sterilization (autoclaving), or irradiation before being disposed of.

Crime scene cleanup in my area
When a crime has occurred and you need reliable and professional crime scene cleanup in Broward, Palm Beach, and Miami-Dade Counties, FL, you can always count on the team at Restore Experts, Inc.. We offer a complete array of biohazardous material cleanup options. Learn more about how we can help or arrange a service appointment by calling (954) 548-5613.